Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 21 2020Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 21 2020
Today Rod goes off on the racist Democrat Party. He uses the very true but little known story about NASA and space flight in the 1960's. How racism
Today Rod goes off on the racist Democrat Party. He uses the very true but little known story about NASA and space flight in the 1960's. How racism
Rod talks about the Wealth Tax narrative spearheaded by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, two major Democrats running for President. Rod tells you why so many wealthy people, including
The first PODCAST only edition of the long running program. Rod dives head first into the Golden Globes Awards and why it was different this year. Plus the
Below is the link I promised on my radio program which will take you to the full six page letter President Trump sent to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
Of course, Mit is forgetting about all of the news coming out of Ukraine during 2019 alone about how the Ukrainian government and courts have admitted to meddling in our
Understand, Pelosi is not guilty of the things some in her party are guilty of. She is an air-head and a dolt. Not to mention I believe she
You have to wonder how many other "secret" pages and accounts are out there that have a focus on attacking, getting rid of or destroying the people that we the
Keep in mind that you can be arrested for anything. Even if you look at the police officer the wrong way, they can arrest you. We have so
Hour 3 and you will hear Rod talk about Crypto Currency wipe out. More on the economy. Travel is heating up because the economy is heating up. Todays Holidays.
Hour 2 and Rod talks about the Trump economy, the high approval ratings for the economy, Obama trying to steal Trumps thunder, Males really are turning into females. Low sperm
The media is not interested in reporting the news any more. The media is more interested in trying to create the news. If a story or news item doesn’t fit