The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 3 4 20
Rod gets deeper into the Coronavirus hysteria and how it is doing exactly what the left wants it to do do. And how the Media is hyping this up to the point where it is allowing the government to grow and tell you how to live. ...
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 13 20
All is quiet on the NH home front now that the Primary is completed. Rod talks a little about the winners and losers and why the DNC is still scared to death of Sanders but doen't want to waste Buttigieg on an election he can't win....
The Rod Eccles Show 7 26 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 Rod tells you what to expect with the show website in the near future and its big stuff, Alex Jones has some of his video’s deleted on YouTube and Rod explains the real reason and why the stated reasons are bogus and hypocritical. Rod also gets into...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 16 18 Hour 1
Hour 1 The first hour Rod brings you up to speed on the Trump/Putin Summit and why the World Swamp doesn’t like it nor Trump success. Is this roaring economy actually due to Obama policy? Rod tells you why the left is trying to claim credit for Obama. And...
Drive a Prius, Employ a Child Labor Miner
Of course there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of electric and electric hybrid vehicles on the roads here in North America and around the world. There have been stories about how large the carbon footprint is of these kinds of vehicles. Even a full expose on a...
Americans Expect Biggest Pay Jump In Years, Not Crumbs
There is high optimism in the American public and in the American economy. This is being reflected in paychecks of working men and women in the nation today. There is high optimism for higher pay both in the form of lower Federal Income taxes and in actual higher wages. ...
American Business Feeling More Confident Than Ever
American business, large and small, are feeling confident about the American Economy. In fact, small business may be even more optimistic than big business and they are ready to invest and expand. The numbers, government and private and the polls all point to the fact that planned business expansion...
ON THE RADIO: California Could See $4 Per Gal Gas
The US economy is heating up. Its growing fast. In fact, its growing so fast and so seriously that there are those in the know that are talking about a dreaded word not seriously thought about in years. Inflation. Unemployment keeps dropping. Labor participation keeps rising. Wages are gaining...
ON THE RADIO: Facebook Wants You Back
Facebook is getting old. I don’t mean getting old as it pertains to chronological age. Its getting old meaning people are bored with the platform. And Facebook knows this. A number of people have noticed that Facebook has been reaching out to them a lot more lately. Especially is...
ON THE RADIO: SchumerShutDown Is Shut Down
There is nothing more to be said really than the whole event will be a very large thorn in the side of the Democratic Party. That is the whole Government Shutdown result. Usually, the Democrats get away with blaming the Republicans with shutting down the federal government. Usually the...
Married Couples Are Unhappy
Well the title is a little misleading. In fact, although the numbers seem low, the good news is that vast majority of married people ARE happy. What we have in this report, as I mentioned on the air, is the fact that the left is really trying to bury...