Tag: Racism

Don’t Be A Chump

The Democratic Party had more members sitting in Congress who where also members of the KKK than any other party including the Republican Party. (Another historical fact Democrats try to hide.) ...

The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 5 20

Rod gets a little down and dirty. OK, not really dirty but he does not hold back when answering a couple of common questions from listeners over the years. Such as, "what is your actual political affiliation?" and "why don't you talk about what the big guys...

Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 21 2020

Today Rod goes off on the racist Democrat Party. He uses the very true but little known story about NASA and space flight in the 1960's. How racism perpetuated by White Democrats almost killed our entire space program. ...

Those Racists Republicans

Those self-aware racists also do not reside within the Republican party, generally speaking. But you will have to read the blog post to find out who and what I am talking about. ...

Liberal Nutjobbery At Its Best

In a bid to show how Progressive and Diverse they are in the wonderful state of Illinois, the Governor was given a glass of chocolate milk to drink and proclaim that said diversity taste good. I kid you not.  Illinois Gov Bruce Rauner recently attended a Black History Month event...


The Political Correctness Police have made a prominent arrest.  The Cleveland Indians long standing mascot, Chief Wahoo, has been jailed. The professional baseball club has announced that Major League Baseball offices have ordered the club to drop the mascot because it is offensive to Native Americans. Trust me what...

White Employees Could Be Fighting Back

The notion that African-Americans cannot be racist may be challenged in a court of law if two white men have their way. A very liberal television network and an African-American musician on a popular network program are being sued by two former employees of the network who also happen...

ON THE RADIO: Statue Honoring National Anthem Vandalized

Now in Maryland, in a public park, a statue paid for with the pennies of children from long ago, to honor and commemorate our National Anthem, has been vandalized. It has been painted with red spray paint with the red letter words written below it that says the National...