Rod is LIVE tonight, Monday, January 16, 2023 6pm Eastern 3pm Pacific. Call in to the show toll free at 603.262.3599. Line is open during the show only.
Rod is LIVE tonight, Monday, January 16, 2023 6pm Eastern 3pm Pacific. Call in to the show toll free at 603.262.3599. Line is open during the show only. ...
this past election and something life shocking has happened in the past week. As I look at the stats, numbers and facts I have to come to one conclusion. The left has declared war on our nation...
A Notification
might I suggest that you NEVER ever take something from someone and call it, label it, name it as your own creation. It is wrong on so many levels and its illegal. ...
Rod Says: Dont Vote Blue
How is it that 60% or more (depending on the poll) of voters don't think the Democrats are helping the country, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and disapprove of Joe Biden and the job he is doing...
The Rod Eccles Show 1 3 22 Hour 2
In Hour 2 Rod takes you back in the early days of this program and plays one of his most commented on clips. Give a listen to "Battleship" and see why this segment helped to catapult Rod to a higher level. Plus learn more logic and reason...
The Rod Eccles Radio Show 1 3 22 Hour 1
Hour 1 on the show Rod talks about customer service and how it actually relates to government and your freedom. Plus the pandemic continues and why it will not go away and what you can expect from it and why. ...
Last Man Standing
Covid-19 has brought a one million candle power light to the issue that is facing mankind today. Do we stand at this crossroad and take the road to tyranny which is camouflaged as Socialism or do we take the road of freedom?...
Solo Life
You see, we all like to think we live in a community. We all like to think we are part of something greater than ourselves. The raw truth is, we don’t. Even though humans are considered to be a pack animal, we are actually solitary creatures....
Those Racists Republicans
Those self-aware racists also do not reside within the Republican party, generally speaking. But you will have to read the blog post to find out who and what I am talking about. ...
As I write this, it’s the beginning of the weekend. An American weekend. It’s not the heart of summer. It’s not a holiday. But it’s a celebration in any event. It’s an American weekend. Americans will be out mowing their laws, doing maintenance on their homes, working on their...
America Has A Problem
America Has A Problem By Rod Eccles You hear it everywhere. You hear it from just about everyone. This November’s elections are the Most Important In Our Nation’s History. Don’t they say that about EVERY election? Well, there is some truth to the hyperbole, however. Every election IS important. ...
A Road Too Often Traveled
A Road Too Often Traveled By Rod Eccles We all do it. We travel the same roads every time we want to go somewhere. We rarely, if ever take a different rout unless we hit a detour because of construction or a local emergency. And when we are forced...