Intel Report Full Source D Interview About Puerto Rico
This is the full, unedited interview and conversation between the Intel Report’s Agent 0010 and Source D. Agent 0010 is a former Military and Intelligence Officer and has worked for the NSA. Source D is also former military and has worked for FEMA and was on the ground after...
The Rod Eccles Show 9 5 18 Hour 3
Hour 3 is the recap of the Intel Report. Agent 0010 gives us further information on the goings on in Puerto Rico. Rod makes the hard to understand more understandable. Plus today’s holidays and the last news of the day which may shock you....
The Rod Eccles Show 9 5 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 is the Intel Report hour. Agent 0010 interviews another government operative about Puerto Rico and all the corruption in government. You wont believe your ears. It will Blow You Away. Part one of a two part interview. Only on The Rod Eccles Show....
The Rod Eccles Show 8 29 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 brings the Intel Report with Agent 0010. France kills ISIS chiefs in Africa. More about Fusion GPS and the Chinese. The Dumb Ass Of The Week is…....
The Rod Eccles Show 8 22 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 brings you The Intel Report with Agent 0010. Iranian spies caught and arrested in the USA. One has duel citizenship. French pulls out of huge gas deal with Iran honoring President Trumps economic sanctions on Iran. Italy refuses to take more Libya migrants and the Dumb Ass...
The Rod Eccles Show 8 15 18 Hour 2
The Intel Report with Agent 0010. China and Australia in a spy spat and control over South China Sea. Brennon may be the head of the snake behind the never ending Trump investigation. Montenegro just prevented a violent political coup and you wont believe who was behind it. Info...
The Rod Eccles Show 8 8 18 Hour 2
The Intel Report this week includes who or what is Q and Qanon? No it has nothing to do with Star Trek. What is free speech and is Alex Jones being unfairly targeted. Some good alt social media networks that dont shadow ban or block its users. Benefits of...
The Rod Eccles Show 8 1 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 The Intel Report with Agent 0010...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 25 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 The Intel Report Hour with Agent 0010. The Agent gives his Intel take on the Cohen/Trump tape and points out a number of facts that prove Trump did not even try to break any laws but in fact went out of his way to NOT break any...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 19 18 Hour 3
Hour 3 This hour, the Intel Report is expanded and also the Dumbass Of The Week is revealed. Rod also brings you the Holidays for today. You get to drink, eat and learn today when you celebrate. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to stay in the headlines and continues to reveal...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 19 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 This hour is full on all about the Intel Report with Agent 0010....