Tag: China

The Recckend

The Recckend weekend of the Rod Eccles Show. Trump indictment, China killing the US Dollar and what a Selfie with Jesus Christ might have looked like. More......

The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 11 21 2020

Rod delivers a HUGE surprise announcement about the show, the network and what is coming in 2021. Its exciting as hell. Then he talks about your kids, Covid-19, China, Trump and the election....

China v India

Here is an update from the BBC. Please note that India is still part of the British Commonwealth. This means an Indian war with China could draw the British Empire into the fray which would then drag the USA in. ...

Rod Eccles Podcast 1 23 20

Rod was right yet again and Adam Schiff, of all people, proved him right. Mr. Schiff actually told the press and media that he believes people don't know how to vote. He has laid the groundwork on trying to nullify the elections of 2020. Rod...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 15 18 Hour 2

The Intel Report with Agent 0010. China and Australia in a spy spat and control over South China Sea. Brennon may be the head of the snake behind the never ending Trump investigation. Montenegro just prevented a violent political coup and you wont believe who was behind it. Info...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 12 18 Hour 3

7 12 18 Hour 3 Hour 3 and Rod ask reveals why even Gay men are saying its getting harder to tell gay men from straight men and Hollywood is to blame, but its only a problem in the West not the rest of the World.  Stormy gets arrested...

ON THE RADIO: China Getting Serious With 300k Troups

China seems to be getting deadly serious by posting 300k troups on or near its border with North Korea.  This also includes a few anti-missile batteries that could shield the Red state from possible missile launches from the North Koreans or possibly from attacking forces such as the United...

ON THE AIR: Cryptocalypse?

I have often said that Crypto-money/coin/cash is on the edge of being totally tossed out.  At least in the form as we currently know it. The reason is simple.  Nations that like to print and control their own money cannot afford to have a monetary system that is out...