Freedom Is FragileFreedom Is Fragile
Freedom is also very frightening to many. It means less power for those who want to be in charge of every aspect of every day life.
Freedom is also very frightening to many. It means less power for those who want to be in charge of every aspect of every day life.
Nobody has an exclusive of being right except for God and those who believe in authoritarianism. There is no argument on this.
freedom of speech is something that is in the heart and soul of each individual. And I mean every single person has this within them. The difference between say Jack
The Democratic Party had more members sitting in Congress who where also members of the KKK than any other party including the Republican Party. (Another historical fact Democrats try to
Now we have censors telling us that things like “LETS GO BRANDON” is not acceptable. In fact, people who wear the phrase on a shirt or hoodie have been kicked
At this point there is not a single freedom that out of these people's cross-hairs. They are targeting every remaining freedom you have. And if you refuse to comply, they
Rod delivers a HUGE surprise announcement about the show, the network and what is coming in 2021. Its exciting as hell. Then he talks about your kids, Covid-19,
You probably never bothered to check to see if your clothing, your car or your coffee has hidden political messages embedded in them somewhere. These messages often give a
According to Chron, all the stuff you see on Social Media cannot be trusted because the posts are being put up by people who are paid to post.
Sunny (not so bright) Hostin took to the camera and actually said that Black Voters were nothing more than "PROPS" for the GOP.
The Daily Caller has a list of list of cities that have been under attack by ANTIFA/BLM and other leftists organizations.
Now there is another revelation coming out of this far left run city. It would seem that the City By The Bay has rules for the elite and rules