Energy Revenue PlatformEnergy Revenue Platform
Sometimes, We The People need to take the bull by the horns and guide our elected officials in the direction that we want them to go. Not in the direction
Sometimes, We The People need to take the bull by the horns and guide our elected officials in the direction that we want them to go. Not in the direction
Earth Day weekend is here. There is little fanfare this year because many people are starting to wake up to the actual dangers of the Green Agenda. Its
Is the Biden Administration preparing to take the United States to WAR with Russia? The recent leak of information pertaining to Russia, Ukraine and others indicates that Biden and
Its the HOLY weekend for us Christians. Good Friday followed by Somber Saturday and then Resurrection Sunday, commonly known as Easter. But that doesn't mean we can take
The Recckend weekend of the Rod Eccles Show. Trump indictment, China killing the US Dollar and what a Selfie with Jesus Christ might have looked like. More...
The Weekend version of The Rod Eccles Show. Whats important and interesting on the days we are off enjoying life. The Recckend is your weekend home.
Rod is LIVE tonight, Monday, January 16, 2023 6pm Eastern 3pm Pacific. Call in to the show toll free at 603.262.3599. Line is open during the show only.
Out of that 8 billion alive on this planet today, only about 330 million live in the USA. That means out of the nearly 16 billion that have ever
The interesting thing is, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is even trying to dispute the evidence Elon has released. Instead, the Socials, the government, and even our mass media
The Socials and the Media team up to limit the flow of information that the public needs and deserves. They direct the minds of the people and even tell
we are beside ourselves because of the outcome in GA where Walker lost to Warnock. I have a simple answer for you how this happened. The Trump effect.
The Founding Fathers of the USA understood that allowing people to speak their minds freely would actually piss off some. They knew it would actually piss off a lot