Oregon Lawmakers Push To Lower Voting AgeOregon Lawmakers Push To Lower Voting Age
There is a reason that we put adulthood at the age of 18. There is a reason we say people should not enjoy all the benefits of being an
There is a reason that we put adulthood at the age of 18. There is a reason we say people should not enjoy all the benefits of being an
But unlike the LGBT community within the United States, Venezuelans seem to welcome and support the President's remarks and policy as it pertains to their homeland.
You see, we all like to think we live in a community. We all like to think we are part of something greater than ourselves. The raw truth
Understand, they were chanting that Border Patrol agents and officers do the killing. The FACTS are that the Border Patrol actually saves lives.
Understand that the media has the job of telling the facts and telling the truth no matter what those facts are and no matter what the truth is.
You have to wonder how many other "secret" pages and accounts are out there that have a focus on attacking, getting rid of or destroying the people that we the
Let that sink in. You could be sent to jail for recording a public servant in an open meeting simply because that elected official doesn't want to be on
Gov Cuomo thinks that having people in his state pay their own taxes instead of spreading it over the entire nation is economic civil war. Not that he could
Keep in mind that you can be arrested for anything. Even if you look at the police officer the wrong way, they can arrest you. We have so
Those self-aware racists also do not reside within the Republican party, generally speaking. But you will have to read the blog post to find out who and what I
Justice Roberts did not vote to end the law in Louisiana. He simply voted to put the law on hold while the Court reviews the case.
I know, you are wondering who is going to pay for this if everyone is taking from the system? Would it not be better to lower taxes and give