Child Porn Behind Bars
It would seem that the idea of rehabilitating child sex abusers is not possible after what has happened in a New Jersey case. An inmate, who was currently serving time in a Federal Penitentiary for being convicted of possessing child pornography has had a decade added to his initial...
As I write this, it’s the beginning of the weekend. An American weekend. It’s not the heart of summer. It’s not a holiday. But it’s a celebration in any event. It’s an American weekend. Americans will be out mowing their laws, doing maintenance on their homes, working on their...
What You Should Know About Child Sex Trafficking
All around the nation, there is a silent epidemic unfolding. Its an epidemic that has been growing for decades now. Its probably not what you think. Its the growing epidemic of Child Sex Trafficking. Most people think of kids on a street corner selling their bodies to any John...
Sex Trafficking Gets Former State Lawmaker Jail Time
Former Oklahoma State Senator, Ralph Shorty was sentenced to 15 years in jail for his roll in kiddie sex trafficking. As sick as this may be to 99% of the population, we have to realize and understand that 1% are a tremendous danger to our children. In this case...
Life Lessons Of Dodge Ball
Life Lessons Of Dodge Ball By Rod Eccles If you are at least 35 years old or older, you probably remember the wonderful gym class game called Dodge Ball. In my school, it was called War Ball. The rules are the same. Of course there is a movie which...
Intel Report Full Source D Interview About Puerto Rico
This is the full, unedited interview and conversation between the Intel Report’s Agent 0010 and Source D. Agent 0010 is a former Military and Intelligence Officer and has worked for the NSA. Source D is also former military and has worked for FEMA and was on the ground after...
The Rod Eccles Show 9 11 18 Hour 3
Hour 3 and you will hear Rod talk about Crypto Currency wipe out. More on the economy. Travel is heating up because the economy is heating up. Todays Holidays....
The Rod Eccles Show 9 11 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 and Rod talks about the Trump economy, the high approval ratings for the economy, Obama trying to steal Trumps thunder, Males really are turning into females. Low sperm count....
The Rod Eccles Show 9 11 18 Hour 1
Hour 1 Rod kicks it of by Remembering the events of September 11, 2001. Why he wont forget 9/11 And why none of us ever should....
Michael Moore Goes Hogg Wild In Toronto
David Hogg seems to have come out of hiding or from the abyss. I can’t tell which is the case. It may even be true that David Hogg is the undigested regurgitations of Michael Moore. I have not been able to secure a DNA sample from young Mr. Hogg...
The Media Isnt Interested In Telling The Truth
The media is not interested in reporting the news any more. The media is more interested in trying to create the news. If a story or news item doesn’t fit their current agenda it is either glossed over or simply looked over. President Trump is not one that openly...
America Has A Problem
America Has A Problem By Rod Eccles You hear it everywhere. You hear it from just about everyone. This November’s elections are the Most Important In Our Nation’s History. Don’t they say that about EVERY election? Well, there is some truth to the hyperbole, however. Every election IS important. ...