Obama’s Secret Anti-Trump Facebook Page
You have to wonder how many other "secret" pages and accounts are out there that have a focus on attacking, getting rid of or destroying the people that we the American people have voted to represent us. How many?...
Student Charged With Wiretapping For Livestream
Let that sink in. You could be sent to jail for recording a public servant in an open meeting simply because that elected official doesn't want to be on record that they did or did not say something....
No Relief In Sight For Taxpayers In High Tax States
Gov Cuomo thinks that having people in his state pay their own taxes instead of spreading it over the entire nation is economic civil war. Not that he could easily combat such "unfair" treatment by lowering taxes in his high tax state....
FBI Wants Your DNA And Will Get It
Keep in mind that you can be arrested for anything. Even if you look at the police officer the wrong way, they can arrest you. We have so many laws on the books that an officer can use the most obscure of laws, the kind in which...
Those Racists Republicans
Those self-aware racists also do not reside within the Republican party, generally speaking. But you will have to read the blog post to find out who and what I am talking about. ...
John Roberts Joins Liberal Justices
Justice Roberts did not vote to end the law in Louisiana. He simply voted to put the law on hold while the Court reviews the case. ...
Free Money For All
I know, you are wondering who is going to pay for this if everyone is taking from the system? Would it not be better to lower taxes and give everyone a tax break which allows them to keep more of what they earn? ...
Hillary Clinton and the Billion Dollar Transfer
You always have to look at what Democrats are doing when they accuse someone else of the crimes they themselves are committing. Hillary is a prime example. ...
How To Prevent Parents
Can you imagine, parents won't have the right to have children. I have to ask, how are going to get permission to have children birthed? Are we going to ask permission to abort a child as well? ...
America Is Frozen Soft
We are making our children soft. They cannot handle inclement weather or inclement anything if we don't let them experience it. Let face it, we gave participation trophies to their parents and look what we got today. Spoiled brat adults that need safe spaces when someone...
There Is A New Sheriff In Town
It would seem that in Washington, D.C. there is actually a person dedicated to enforcing the city's ban on plastic drinking straws. Yes, those devices that have made drinking on the go convenient and sanitary, are now public environmental enemy number one. ...
The Sexual Grooming Of Your Child
Sexual predators are stalking your kids. Especially your teen child. And there is no way for you to put your eyes on them by looking around your neighborhood and you cant keep them away by posting a cop at your child’s school. Sexual predators are contacting and grooming your...