The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 8 20The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 8 20
Rod talks about the Iranian attack on US military forces inside of Iraq and why they are nothing more than a way for Iran to save face. Plus Rod
Rod talks about the Iranian attack on US military forces inside of Iraq and why they are nothing more than a way for Iran to save face. Plus Rod
Rod explains why Ricky Gervais crushed the Hollywood Elite at the Golden Globes and why this was actually very important. Do celebrities have too much influence and why.
The first PODCAST only edition of the long running program. Rod dives head first into the Golden Globes Awards and why it was different this year. Plus the
It looks like American Citizens are about to lose a bit more of their liberty and privacy and all in the name of security. And please keep in mind,
A town in Minnesota a town that gets a lot of snow, is making it illegal to throw SNOWBALLS of all things. The Mayor says it's about "public safety".
technology has improved so much that you can even hide these spy devices behind things such as your TV screen. The worst part is that many manufacturers are not
Of course, Mit is forgetting about all of the news coming out of Ukraine during 2019 alone about how the Ukrainian government and courts have admitted to meddling in our
As I have said many times, we are not a country. I know that comes as a shock to many folks out there. But on a governmental and
Now I have reported on many inane things that AOC has said and/or done but this has got to take the cake. The woman has clouds for brains.
The United States is currently doing what many "empires" have done in the past. The United States is currently doing everything it can, it would seem, to destroy itself
The one thing that most Americans can agree upon is that they, as individuals, are taxed too much by our collective governments. This is giving rise to more and