They Block The Law
Protesters decided to take the law into their own hands and tried to prevent some law enforcement agents from doing their job. It appears that some ICE agents turned up at a detention center to probably pick up and deport some illegal aliens and were greeted by a couple...
Homework For Texas Middle Schooler Is To Draw Selfie As A What?
A 12 year old Middle School girl brought home her homework assignment and it raised more than just an eyebrow from her mother. The adolescent from Austin, TX got a homework assignment to ‘Draw Yourself As A Slave’ and it has her mother more than just a little ticked...
Moms Just Wanna Stay Home
Here we have yet another poll/survey that tells the truth about what is going on in the American family and the publication that is all about parenting and family, tries to downplay the results. And they are the ones responsible for the poll. I am trying to figure out...
Amazon Sending Surprise Packages
Amazon is trying to get on top of what is happening to their vast shipping and delivery service. It seems they are legally delivering packages to customers that those customers were not expecting. Yes, there is someone or a group of someones buying surprising gifts for random folks around...
#MeToo Takes On New Meaning
It looks like a very vocal, brash and well known advocate of the #MeToo movement is now saying ME TOO! Meaning she is joining the ranks of those that are accused of sexual misconduct. Yes, a woman is being accused by at least four men. All claim that California...
The Intelligence Is In, Your Cell Phone Is The Spy
I have mentioned numerous times on the radio about Asian made electronic products being manufactured with back doors for potential spying on individuals. Then we get the head of the FBI telling Congress that the whole of China is basically geared towards spying on America and Americans. And now...
Hillary Clinton She Just Wont Go Away
Hillary Clinton is not a favorite of many people across the land. We love to hate this woman actually. And the GOP also seem to love to hate on this woman. But the reality is, almost all of us who hate her want her to go away and stay...
Will He or Wont He? Mitt Waiting in the Wings
Mitt Romney is expected to enter the race for the seat currently held by a retiring Orin Hatch. This will be Mitts 2nd senate bid in as many states. Mitt unsuccessfully tried to unseat Ted Kennedy as one of the Senators from Massachusetts back in the early 1990’s. Mitt...
Is Scott Baio Considering Running For Congress?
I have a theory. Its a simple one and its one I warned the masses about as the who issue was unfolding. Its about the weaponizing of sexual misconduct allegations. Yes, all you have to do is allege someone sexually abused you even in the slightest way and the...
New York Times Investigates Your Little White Child
I have read some tripe in my time but this has got to be in the top 10 of all time worse pieces of crap to ever go to print. No wonder the NYT is thinking of scuttling their printed version of the newspaper. If the new movie from...
The Fear Is Real
Its one thing to have feelings and beliefs and find that you are in the minority, its another things to have feelings and beliefs and be scared of the majority that you would rather lie than tell the truth. This is not new. We have seen people tell an...
Americans Expect Biggest Pay Jump In Years, Not Crumbs
There is high optimism in the American public and in the American economy. This is being reflected in paychecks of working men and women in the nation today. There is high optimism for higher pay both in the form of lower Federal Income taxes and in actual higher wages. ...