The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 20 20The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 20 20
This episode Rod talks a little about the construct of time as we know it. Why it is not what we think it is especially if we are going
This episode Rod talks a little about the construct of time as we know it. Why it is not what we think it is especially if we are going
This episode Rod talks about the reality of the Aussie bush fires and who started them and why. And he goes into detail about why the enviro-wacko movement is
This episode, Rod fully explains the new disorder that will be front and center for the year 2020. Entitlement. Its all the rage. Rod explains what it
Rod tells you what is really up with Megan Markle and AOC. The Millennial generation as a whole is described in full by Rod in this episode.
Rod actually comes to the defense of AOC. Yes, he actually comes to her aid against radicals that want to label the simple action of getting a puppy as
Rod talks about the Wealth Tax narrative spearheaded by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, two major Democrats running for President. Rod tells you why so many wealthy people, including
Rod talks about the Iranian attack on US military forces inside of Iraq and why they are nothing more than a way for Iran to save face. Plus Rod
The first PODCAST only edition of the long running program. Rod dives head first into the Golden Globes Awards and why it was different this year. Plus the
It looks like American Citizens are about to lose a bit more of their liberty and privacy and all in the name of security. And please keep in mind,
technology has improved so much that you can even hide these spy devices behind things such as your TV screen. The worst part is that many manufacturers are not
As I have said many times, we are not a country. I know that comes as a shock to many folks out there. But on a governmental and