Gangsta’s Paradise
If you are born and raised in the ghetto anywhere in this country you have 2.5 strikes against you. Sure some of us raise ourselves out of the ghetto....
Never Forget
They want to keep their jobs while causing you to lose yours....
Rod Says: Dont Vote Blue
How is it that 60% or more (depending on the poll) of voters don't think the Democrats are helping the country, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and disapprove of Joe Biden and the job he is doing...
Don’t Be A Chump
The Democratic Party had more members sitting in Congress who where also members of the KKK than any other party including the Republican Party. (Another historical fact Democrats try to hide.) ...
I was told that I should be offended by what the Republicans do. When I say, I am not offended by Republicans, I am told, at least twice by white liberals “I will tell you what you should be offended by.”...
Nuclear Attack On Your Freedom
At this point there is not a single freedom that out of these people's cross-hairs. They are targeting every remaining freedom you have. And if you refuse to comply, they will use the full weight and authority of the government to make you comply or they will take away...
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 6 1
Rod gets heavy into the George Floyd protest. His take on this whole mess may actually anger some listeners so please be advised. This is a very sensitive topic but Rod puts it in perspective and shows a way out and why. ...
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 21 20
Rod gets very specific today. He calls out and calls on leftists to get more specific on their stupidity. If you don't know what you are talking about then why scream and yell and punch and kick and bite? ...
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 20 20
Rod is back and feeling better. He thanks his well wishers and then tears into the leftist on the Democrat Debate Stage last night. He really focuses in on former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg....
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 6 20
Rod tells you a little bit about a crime that took place in his home town and then leads you down the path of information about how government has made us all criminals. Not for our own protection but for their treasury. ...
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 4 20
On this episode, Rod gets deeps. He talks about the recent revelation from Rush Limbaugh. Rod tells you what Rush means to him personally and what he believes Rush means to the nation as a whole. Its heartfelt and will move you....
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 21 2020
Today Rod goes off on the racist Democrat Party. He uses the very true but little known story about NASA and space flight in the 1960's. How racism perpetuated by White Democrats almost killed our entire space program. ...