ON THE RADIO: Evidence Of FBI Scandal Growing
The very notion that our FBI could be corrupted is sending shock waves through Washington, D.C. and through our whole nation. Washington wagons circling the agency to protect it from charges of corruption. This time, the appropriate tag line is “too big to believe.” But, obviously, that corruptibility notion...
ON THE RADIO: Trump Tags Mexican Products With Tariffs
While Mexico begins its search for its next president, our current president is taking the current Mexican government to task. The Mexicans did not believe Trump would play hard ball when it came to trade between the two nations. Mexico bet that like many American Presidents, he would back...
GOP Gets A Bounce From Likely Place
The polls are starting to roll in and none of them look very good for Democrats. Even polls that once had Democrats in double digit leads around the nation have narrowed sharply to within the rates of error. Now of course, most of these polls were taken by well...
ON THE RADIO: SchumerShutDown Is Shut Down
There is nothing more to be said really than the whole event will be a very large thorn in the side of the Democratic Party. That is the whole Government Shutdown result. Usually, the Democrats get away with blaming the Republicans with shutting down the federal government. Usually the...
ON THE RADIO: California Will End The USA
This is a story that is almost exclusive to the Rod Eccles Show and it should not be. California has found a way to impose its will at the state level to the whole of the USA and thus ending the USA as we know it. California, via its...
ON THE RADIO: Social Media Is Not Good For Society
There has been a lot of talk all over the world lately about Social Media. What Social Media is doing to government. What Social Media is doing to news. The notion that Social Media is responsible for the outcomes of elections including here in the USA. There are those...
El Rod TV: Democrats Really Do Hate Americans
The Democrats really do seem to hate Americans. I know you may think that is not possible, especially if you are a rank and file average every day American Democrat. The thing is that Democrats like Sen Chuck Schumer would rather play games with your lives and our government...
ON THE RADIO: Dems To Trump: Show Us The Money
Democrats still think they can play ball the old fashioned way. It may work with other politicians but it never has nor never will work with President Trump. Democrats in the Senate and House seem to think that Donald Trump needs to tell them and show them where the...
ON THE RADIO: CNN: Trump Heart Attack Within 5 Years
CNN has finally gone full stupid. You never go full stupid. But CNN has decided they have no choice since they cannot logically and truthfully keep bad mouthing the president. CNN decided that President Trump must be telling lies about how tall he is so therefor he is actually...
ON THE RADIO: Apple-gates Open Let The Flood Begin
Apple, the big and valuable company that liberals love, has announced that it will bring much of its off shore profits into the country. Apple will pay a hefty $38 billion in taxes on over $250 billion in offshore cash from profits they earned by doing business in other...
ON THE RADIO: Giant Social Medias Admit To Propaganda
Yes, you read the headline correctly. Facebook, Google and Twitter have admitted to something that we all already knew. These social media giants are creating propaganda. They are posting that created content and in many cases you cant tell the difference between what the media giants create vs what...
ON THE RADIO: Feed The Homeless, Get Arrested
Where has the love of God gone when you have a government that actually wants to make it illegal to set up shop to feed the homeless, the starving and the poor. That is what is happening in this one particular town. The town fathers had an emergency meeting...