As Long As She Can Hang On
The reality is, for as long as she can actually stay alive. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is putting her own desires ahead of the nation even though she knows she does not have much longer on this earth. Lets face it, at her age (85) and her visual health, I...
California Could Get Worse; Move Farther Left
Can you imagine California going even farther left than they currently are in their politics? Will they actually put the whole Union to the test? Of course there have been conservatives that live in certain parts of the state that have wanted to secede from the rest of the...
Paper Pile: New Mexico Looks At Taxing Your Pet
New Mexico looks to tax your pets. Looking to curb the number of unwanted pets being born in the state, they are looking at taxing current pets via their food. You wont believe how much they want to raise pet food prices. There is a two fold problem with...
ON THE RADIO: Ticket Over Gesture Unconstitutional
The state of Indiana is now embroiled in a law suit on the grounds the state police violated a drivers basic constitutional rights. At issue; do you have a right to give the middle finger to a police officer without getting a $500 ticket? Yes, it would appear that...
ON THE RADIO: Gender Bender Apocalypse
This is nothing new but new evidence is cementing the fact that males today have higher levels of female hormones in their bodies. This is leading to other issues, especially in boys. Many countries on the planet have either banned or severely limited the use of BPA food and...
ON THE RADIO: They Hate Before They Love
Campus Reform is at it again. This time the issue was about He said He said. College students were asked about what they thought about specific quotes given by Donald Trump. As per usual, the students lashed out against Trump. They hated the quotes and some even went further...
ON THE RADIO: California Could See $4 Per Gal Gas
The US economy is heating up. Its growing fast. In fact, its growing so fast and so seriously that there are those in the know that are talking about a dreaded word not seriously thought about in years. Inflation. Unemployment keeps dropping. Labor participation keeps rising. Wages are gaining...
Paper Pile: Man Made Artifacts Changing History?
There was an archaeological find that raises all kinds of questions and the answers could change history books forever. Some folks believe these molds are proof of alien life because the artifacts are far too old for man to be involved. Others believe that man is smarter that we...
ON THE RADIO: Job Growth And Wage Growth Again
The numbers are coming in and January is turning out to be another economic hit for President Trump and his economic policies. Jobs were created in greater number than originally expected. Wage growth took a huge jump as well. Meaning Americans were beginning to see real wages in their...
ON THE RADIO: And Now The Apolgy
Stephen King came out and apologized for his rather rude comments pertaining to the train crash carrying some GOP members and their families to an annual retreat on an AmTrack train. The train collided with a truck stopped on the tracks and one of the occupants of the truck...
Waters Has Totally Flipped Her Generous Wig
Maxine Waters of California, thinks that the Russians are out to get her. She thinks that Trump is colluding with the Russians now. She believes that the collusion has lead to Obstruction of Justice and she obviously believes that aliens visit her nightly. Well, the last part may be...
Law & Order TV Program Depicts Rape Of Conservative Woman
The left have taken their fight with Trump and Conservatives to a new low. The still very popular prime time police drama series, Law & Order: SVU, has a new episode in which a Conservative Woman is brutally raped. The latest episode (January 31, 2018) depicts what can only...