The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 4 28 20The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 4 28 20
Rod announces some new and upcoming features to the line up and his website. Plus Recce has dropped another electronic music EP. You can get it here.
Rod announces some new and upcoming features to the line up and his website. Plus Recce has dropped another electronic music EP. You can get it here.
Final day of looking back on the Rod Eccles Show 11 years of history. Rod goes back to a time in 2015 when he makes an important announcement.
Rod takes you back to October, 2015 when he plays a clip dealing with California, the state that is openly planning for Martial Law.
Today is Freedom Friday and Rod riffs on the plight of ignorance. How wide spread is it? How does it affect every day life? You might be
Rod reminds guys that Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and he gives you tips on how to win big this year. Then he relays a conversation he had with
technology has improved so much that you can even hide these spy devices behind things such as your TV screen. The worst part is that many manufacturers are not
Of course, Mit is forgetting about all of the news coming out of Ukraine during 2019 alone about how the Ukrainian government and courts have admitted to meddling in our
As I have said many times, we are not a country. I know that comes as a shock to many folks out there. But on a governmental and
The United States is currently doing what many "empires" have done in the past. The United States is currently doing everything it can, it would seem, to destroy itself
The Constitution is not conducive to Socialism or Communism. Yet we have a growing number of Americans who are taught that some form of big, HUGE government is the
Startling headline? You bet. But imagine someone saying, The United States does not belong to the United States. This is actually what many on the left have
Now this is a trip. The New York Times is telling Taxi Drivers to stop blaming Uber, Lyft and other ride sharing companies for their current financial woes.