The Rod Eccles Show 7 13 18 Hour 2The Rod Eccles Show 7 13 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 This hour, Your electronics are all ears. A story from the Wall Street Journal has Rod issuing a major warning on technology that so many of us find
Hour 1 Rod kicks off Freedom Friday with one of his epic low key rants then gets right into taking on Twitter and the Twitter Purge. How this round is
Let me say for the record, I am not an Alex Jones fan. I rarely visit his sites and I rarely reference news features he authors. BUT, it does not
7 12 18 Hour 3 Hour 3 and Rod ask reveals why even Gay men are saying its getting harder to tell gay men from straight men and Hollywood is
7 12 18 Hour 2 Rod gets into the swamp over Tariffs and why they are not really a bad thing and what they are actually used for. Trump takes
7 12 18 Hour 1 Rod kicks of the program on a high note. Then gets into the weeds with Twitter and their new attack on Conservatives on the site.
If you were not paying attention, you may think that the left is reacting to President Trump’s pick of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. The reality is, the left was
This is from the halls of Are You Kidding Me? It would seem that Bill and Hillary Clinton want people to view them as being just like the rest of