The Recckend April 21 – 23The Recckend April 21 – 23
Earth Day weekend is here. There is little fanfare this year because many people are starting to wake up to the actual dangers of the Green Agenda. Its
Earth Day weekend is here. There is little fanfare this year because many people are starting to wake up to the actual dangers of the Green Agenda. Its
might I suggest that you NEVER ever take something from someone and call it, label it, name it as your own creation. It is wrong on so many levels
Today Rod discusses a number of topics including, AOC and her hypocritical stance on Covid-19, Florida and her home state of NY. And Rod dishes on other COVID topics.
The Coolest Most Politically Incorrect Conservative Black Man on the Plantet. Thursday Radio show for January 13, 2022. 3 hours of truth justice done the American way.
Rod goes off on the whole Social Mask Wearing culture that is rising in the USA and the world. He explains why this is actually a bad idea and
Rod gets heavy into the George Floyd protest. His take on this whole mess may actually anger some listeners so please be advised. This is a very sensitive
Yes the state of Live Free or Die is not living up to that and Rod tells you why and how it may affect you in your state. The Supreme
The story of Star Wars and how Disney is handling it and its correlation to the real world and government. Rod dares you to disagree with him on this
May Day! May Day! Rod goes nuclear on the left. Right out of the gate,
Rod talks more about Covid-19 and how FEAR is what is keeping people in lock-down. That's right, its not the virus itself and Rod fully explains why this is
Today Rod talks about the lack of freedom when it comes to being energy independent and how the Environmental Groups are behind you being forced to comply with using
Rod announces some new and upcoming features to the line up and his website. Plus Recce has dropped another electronic music EP. You can get it here.