Rod is LIVE tonight, Monday, January 16, 2023 6pm Eastern 3pm Pacific. Call in to the show toll free at 603.262.3599. Line is open during the show only.Rod is LIVE tonight, Monday, January 16, 2023 6pm Eastern 3pm Pacific. Call in to the show toll free at 603.262.3599. Line is open during the show only.
Rod is LIVE tonight, Monday, January 16, 2023 6pm Eastern 3pm Pacific. Call in to the show toll free at 603.262.3599. Line is open during the show only.
Rod Says: Dont Vote BlueRod Says: Dont Vote Blue
October 20, 2022October 20, 2022| rodecclesrodeccles| 0 Comments| 10:07 pm
How is it that 60% or more (depending on the poll) of voters don't think the Democrats are helping the country, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction