Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 21 20
Rod gets very specific today. He calls out and calls on leftists to get more specific on their stupidity. If you don't know what you are talking about then why scream and yell and punch and kick and bite? ...
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 20 20
Rod is back and feeling better. He thanks his well wishers and then tears into the leftist on the Democrat Debate Stage last night. He really focuses in on former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg....
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 13 20
All is quiet on the NH home front now that the Primary is completed. Rod talks a little about the winners and losers and why the DNC is still scared to death of Sanders but doen't want to waste Buttigieg on an election he can't win....
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 10 20
Rod reminds guys that Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and he gives you tips on how to win big this year. Then he relays a conversation he had with a Joe Biden supporter in his favorite cigar shop in town....
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 7 20
Its Freedom Friday on the show as Rod brings a little hilarity and warning about the Democratic party. It would seem that the Democrats don't want people to register to vote because they are introducing a bill in California that would require registered voters to vote. ...
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 6 20
Rod tells you a little bit about a crime that took place in his home town and then leads you down the path of information about how government has made us all criminals. Not for our own protection but for their treasury. ...
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 5 20
Rod gets a little down and dirty. OK, not really dirty but he does not hold back when answering a couple of common questions from listeners over the years. Such as, "what is your actual political affiliation?" and "why don't you talk about what the big guys...
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 4 20
On this episode, Rod gets deeps. He talks about the recent revelation from Rush Limbaugh. Rod tells you what Rush means to him personally and what he believes Rush means to the nation as a whole. Its heartfelt and will move you....
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 3 20
There are a number of things people seem to get offended by today. Rod tells us why being a nation that is overly sensitive to everything just wont work. He goes on to tell folks how to not be so offended all the time and when they...
Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 31 20
Today Rod talks about and explains all the anti-Trump advertising by Democrat candidates. It is over 90% negative/anti-Trump. Very little of their advertising is about what positive things they want to do for and to us if they are elected. But Rod does give a very...
This is some funny stuff
One of the funniest tv spots to be aired on during the NFL Super Bowl. The Bostonian accent is over the top but oh so accurate. Some of the biggest stars from Boston are in this video. ...
The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 30 20
Rod takes on the lies told by some of the Democrat front-runners for President. The lies that these candidates are telling are on a new level. From Tom Steyer claiming President Trump is not a real billionaire, to Bernie Sanders claiming equal pay for equal work, to...