The Rod Eccles Show 7 19 18 Hour 3

Hour 3 This hour, the Intel Report is expanded and also the Dumbass Of The  Week is revealed.  Rod also brings you the Holidays for today.  You get to drink, eat and learn today when you celebrate.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to stay in the headlines and continues to reveal...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 19 18 Hour 1

Hour 1 Rod explains what happened to the program yesterday.  He tells everything that he currently knows and some folks in the know, back him up it.  He also explains that the California State Supreme Court continues to usurp the power of the people by stopping a vote on...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 17 18 Hour 3

Hour 3 Alexandria Cortez attacks Israel but Rod points out that this young woman, who is a Socialists Darling, actually admits she doesn’t really know what she is talking about.  Rod Explains that this is pretty typical of Millennial people today.  A Democratic Party candidate for Congress out of...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 17 18 Hour 2

Hour 2 Rod explains why Romney is wrong when he says Russia is our biggest geoglobal enemy.  Its actually China.  Rod also diagnoses Mitt Romney with Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS.  The National Guard catches a record number of illegals trying to cross the border and Rod lays out...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 17 18 Hour 1

Hour 1 This hour, Rod starts it off with a near epic rant.  He rants against the machine.  Then he goes off on the Lamestream Media over calling President Trump a limp noodle with Putin of Russia.  You need to hear this hour. Mirror: Trump Branded Traitor Hot Air:...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 16 18 Hour 3

Hour 3 Trey Gowdy says he doesn’t think Impeaching Rod Rosenstien is a good idea and Rod goes off and explains why Term Limits is a really good idea.  San Francisco Mayer London Breed says she has never seen so much “shit” before.  New Mayor tells non profits to...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 16 18 Hour 2

Hour 2 Hour 2 and Rod explain why and how President Donald Trump is a political disrupter and Alexandria Cortez is a Democrat Party disrupter but she is an air head.  Anthony Bourdine did an interview before his suicide and it has been published finally and he does not...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 16 18 Hour 1

Hour 1 The first hour Rod brings you up to speed on the Trump/Putin Summit and why the World Swamp doesn’t like it nor Trump success.  Is this roaring economy actually due to Obama policy?  Rod tells you why the left is trying to claim credit for Obama.  And...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 13 18 Hour 3

Hour 3 Show Notes Heat Waves can make you dumber according to a new Harvard University study which actually attempts to proclaim Global Warming but Rod proves how its actually going to harm that theory. The Economy reaches another record high and yet the Leftists still want to campaign...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 13 18 Hour 2

Hour 2 This hour, Your electronics are all ears.  A story from the Wall Street Journal has Rod issuing a major warning on technology that so many of us find fantastic and very Star Trek like.  But your Freedom is at risk.  Rod gives advice to Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez on...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 13 18 Hour 1

Hour 1 Rod kicks off Freedom Friday with one of his epic low key rants then gets right into taking on Twitter and the Twitter Purge.  How this round is finally going after some Leftists accounts but Conservatives are still taking the brunt of the purge.  CNN is calling...