Energy Revenue PlatformEnergy Revenue Platform
Sometimes, We The People need to take the bull by the horns and guide our elected officials in the direction that we want them to go. Not in the direction
Sometimes, We The People need to take the bull by the horns and guide our elected officials in the direction that we want them to go. Not in the direction
The interesting thing is, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is even trying to dispute the evidence Elon has released. Instead, the Socials, the government, and even our mass media
The Socials and the Media team up to limit the flow of information that the public needs and deserves. They direct the minds of the people and even tell
we are beside ourselves because of the outcome in GA where Walker lost to Warnock. I have a simple answer for you how this happened. The Trump effect.
The Founding Fathers of the USA understood that allowing people to speak their minds freely would actually piss off some. They knew it would actually piss off a lot
You see when you promise something as a company, you have to fulfill that promise or you will be guilty of false advertising and/or fraud.
How is it that the price of food, gas, energy and just about everything else take a back seat to abortion?
this past election and something life shocking has happened in the past week. As I look at the stats, numbers and facts I have to come to one conclusion. The
If you are born and raised in the ghetto anywhere in this country you have 2.5 strikes against you. Sure some of us raise ourselves out of the ghetto.
A prepper will tell you to have enough food to last you for years. A good rule of thumb is that in good times, to hedge against a natural
because local, state and federal regulations make it very expensive for builders to buy land and build anything on that land. This forces builders to have to build the
History will not be kind to us in the second decade of the 21st century.