Dystopia’s Utopia Liberal StyleDystopia’s Utopia Liberal Style
This is a little different from what I am known for. Actually its very different but its still recognizable as all Rod Eccles. Last night, I watched the latest two
This is a little different from what I am known for. Actually its very different but its still recognizable as all Rod Eccles. Last night, I watched the latest two
Here we are in the month of June. June represents a month of pride for many. The Islamic holiday of Ramadan is this month. This is also Gay Pride month.
We are coming up on the one year anniversary of the election of President Donald J Trump. A man that, in many ways, typifies America. Mr. Trump proved the old
There was a recent hurricane named Harvey. I am not talking about the one that hit the greater Houston, TX area. I am talking about Hurricane Harvey that hit Hollywood,
Nancy Pelosi seems to be turning into a Popsicle. Her brain keeps freezing up, it would seem. Well, here is another example of the long time Democratic Congressman from California
Well the title is a little misleading. In fact, although the numbers seem low, the good news is that vast majority of married people ARE happy. What we have in
Michael Moore has decided for all of America that it may be time to ditch the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. The rather large movie producer/director is known to be
A logical person without emotion clouding their judgement, might come to the conclusion that something does not seem right. The brother of Vegas mass murderer, Stephen Paddock, speaks to the
Sen Tim Kaine of Virginia recently responded on the Las Vegas Mass Shooting. Of course everybody and their step-mother is commenting on this awful event. But many folks at least
GRAPHIC WARNING. Below is the photo believed to be of dead Las Vegas mass shooter, Stephen Paddock. It appears that the individual had massive head trauma and there is a
Taxes Are Only For The RichTaxes Are Only For The Rich
November 17, 2017November 17, 2017| rodecclesrodeccles| 0 Comment| 7:59 pm
Too Rich To Tax By Rod Eccles There is an argument going on in Washington, D.C. that affects each and every one of us. I am not talking about Obamacare,