The Rod Eccles Show 7 20 18 Hour 1
Rod takes on the Swamp and tells the anti/never Trumpers to get off their high horse. Its about Trump’s policies not about him or who they think he is. They will miss out on great stuff and maybe even miss out on getting re-elected if they fail to support...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 17 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 Rod explains why Romney is wrong when he says Russia is our biggest geoglobal enemy. Its actually China. Rod also diagnoses Mitt Romney with Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS. The National Guard catches a record number of illegals trying to cross the border and Rod lays out...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 17 18 Hour 1
Hour 1 This hour, Rod starts it off with a near epic rant. He rants against the machine. Then he goes off on the Lamestream Media over calling President Trump a limp noodle with Putin of Russia. You need to hear this hour. Mirror: Trump Branded Traitor Hot Air:...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 16 18 Hour 2
Hour 2 Hour 2 and Rod explain why and how President Donald Trump is a political disrupter and Alexandria Cortez is a Democrat Party disrupter but she is an air head. Anthony Bourdine did an interview before his suicide and it has been published finally and he does not...
The Rod Eccles Show 7 16 18 Hour 1
Hour 1 The first hour Rod brings you up to speed on the Trump/Putin Summit and why the World Swamp doesn’t like it nor Trump success. Is this roaring economy actually due to Obama policy? Rod tells you why the left is trying to claim credit for Obama. And...
Bill and Hill on Delta
This is from the halls of Are You Kidding Me? It would seem that Bill and Hillary Clinton want people to view them as being just like the rest of us. Ordinary Americans that need to get from point A to point B. Of course they are in what...
The Wall Goes Up
Without any pomp and circumstance, the first part of the border wall is about to go up. Its the first section since the prototypes were contracted out. Although, the report says its just a sliver of the proposed full wall, its still a start. It is interesting that we...
Its The Economy Stupid
It appears that a majority of Americans are in the corner of President Trump when it comes to taxes and the economy as told by the leftist publication Axios. When you realize that so many folks are in favor and believe in the current direction of the economy you...
The Fear Is Real
Its one thing to have feelings and beliefs and find that you are in the minority, its another things to have feelings and beliefs and be scared of the majority that you would rather lie than tell the truth. This is not new. We have seen people tell an...
This Tomfoolery Is Real
Super Democrat supporter and Billionaire Tom Steyer is turning up the heat on Republicans and Conservatives and even the Constitution itself. You see, no matter what Trump does, says or believes, Steyer will point to it as proof that Trump is unfit to be President. Even when Trump does...
Obama Is Not Gonna Like This
youtObama and his supporters are not gonna like the latest poll numbers from liberal leaning Rasmussen. The media will be reeling with anger and even more hatred. Keep in mind that the media did nothing but puff up and support Obama his first year in office. Barack Obama could...
California Says It Will Block Oil Production
The wonderful state of California has said that they would block any attempt to increase oil production off its shores. President Trump has opened up the Federal Controlled waters around the nation to oil and gas exploration and extraction. But California has decided it does not want the jobs...