Tag: Elections

Will He or Wont He? Mitt Waiting in the Wings

Mitt Romney is expected to enter the race for the seat currently held by a retiring Orin Hatch.  This will be Mitts 2nd senate bid in as many states. Mitt unsuccessfully tried to unseat Ted Kennedy as one of the Senators from Massachusetts back in the early 1990’s.  Mitt...

Democrats Gearing Up To Take Back 101 Seats

You read the headline correctly.  Democrats will be targeting some 101 House seats in the November 2018 mid term elections.  Why? 11 of those seats will be vacated by incumbents due to retirement from the House.  About 30 plus are in districts that Hillary won states in the 2016...

California Could Get Worse; Move Farther Left

Can you imagine California going even farther left than they currently are in their politics?  Will they actually put the whole Union to the test? Of course there have been conservatives that live in certain parts of the state that have wanted to secede from the rest of the...

ON THE RADIO: Romney Says What?

It appears that Mitt Romney may be interested in the Senate seat held by Orin Hatch.  The speculation has been swirling ever since Sen Hatch announced his retirement after decades of service in the upper changer of Congress. Some people, including me, believe that Romney is the wrong choice...