The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 3 20The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 2 3 20
There are a number of things people seem to get offended by today. Rod tells us why being a nation that is overly sensitive to everything just wont work.
There are a number of things people seem to get offended by today. Rod tells us why being a nation that is overly sensitive to everything just wont work.
Today Rod talks about and explains all the anti-Trump advertising by Democrat candidates. It is over 90% negative/anti-Trump. Very little of their advertising is about what positive things
Rod takes on the lies told by some of the Democrat front-runners for President. The lies that these candidates are telling are on a new level. From Tom
Rod talks money. Specifically government money. The notion that people, rich or poor, are not paying enough in taxes is bogus and Rod proves why this is so.
Rod brings some things to light about Meghan and Harry that may not have been known or understood before. And it does have ties to President Trump. Plus
Rod tells listeners why our government is currently backwards. There is a notion in D.C. and in state capitols that elected officials are the boss of the American People.
Rod was right yet again and Adam Schiff, of all people, proved him right. Mr. Schiff actually told the press and media that he believes people don't know
California is on the war path against cancer. Well, maybe not. A popular pain killer may get special labels, special handling, and massive limits on how much you
Today Rod goes off on the racist Democrat Party. He uses the very true but little known story about NASA and space flight in the 1960's. How racism
This episode Rod talks a little about the construct of time as we know it. Why it is not what we think it is especially if we are going
This episode Rod talks about the reality of the Aussie bush fires and who started them and why. And he goes into detail about why the enviro-wacko movement is
Respecting women, respecting life. How the lack of respect is affecting the rise in crime in nations that one would not expect. Japan is showing signs of