Tag: President Trump

Its Still About The Economy You Stupid Democrats

The economic good times that the United States is currently enjoying is fully credited to President Trump.  The recent “surprising” numbers have Democrats running for the hills. The very fact that they took a stand against Trump’s tax cuts and he massive cuts in regulations and rules is leaving...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 19 18 Hour 3

Hour 3 This hour, the Intel Report is expanded and also the Dumbass Of The  Week is revealed.  Rod also brings you the Holidays for today.  You get to drink, eat and learn today when you celebrate.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to stay in the headlines and continues to reveal...

ON THE RADIO: 5G Takeover Is A Bad Connection

I have talked about the government taking over private industry before.  I have said that in every case, the idea is a bad one.  This is no different even though it is Donald Trump who is possibly proposing the idea. The Federal Government taking over our Cell Phone/Wireless communications...

ON THE RADIO: Uganda President Agrees With Trump

This is one of those times when some people can say “See I told you so” but it is not coming from where you think it would or should. The President of Uganda, (for those who don’t know, Uganda is a democratic nation on the continent of Africa) has...

Judge Roy Bean Moore

There is a former judge in the state of Alabama that likes guns.  He likes guns so much that he brought one with him to a campaign rally speech.  He showed it to the crowd.  And the crowd loved it. The reason Judge Roy Moore (Judge Roy Bean was...