The Rod Eccles Show 9 5 18 Hour 1
Hour 1 brings major announcements and the hot topic of the morning. The Rod Eccles Show....
The Rod Eccles Show 8 20 18 Hour 3
Jack Dorsey admits that Twitter is left leaning and filled with employees who are also left leaning. Netflix under fire still. Netflix Cancels Wolf. Netflix Brazilian show 3% is perfect for Socialist. And today’s Holidays. Some tasty ones at that. The Hill: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Admits Company Is...
The Rod Eccles Show 8 31 18 Hour 3
In this third our, Rod has a study that seems to show that week minded young people may be triggered simply by telling them they could be triggered. And this leads to anxiety about being triggered. JP Morgan CEO gives the Trump economy a thumbs up and he gives...
ON THE AIR: Cryptocalypse?
I have often said that Crypto-money/coin/cash is on the edge of being totally tossed out. At least in the form as we currently know it. The reason is simple. Nations that like to print and control their own money cannot afford to have a monetary system that is out...
ON THE RADIO: Bannon Group Shopped Anti Trump Doc In 2015
Yes, you read the title of this post correctly. Mr. Bannon and his group tried to derail Donald J Trump before he even got started, back in 2015. Many believe Trump did not know this at the time and that is how Bannon got into the Trump Administration. Point...