Category: Politics

Intel Report Full Source D Interview About Puerto Rico

This is the full, unedited interview and conversation between the Intel Report’s Agent 0010 and Source D. Agent 0010 is a former Military and Intelligence Officer and has worked for the NSA.  Source D is also former military and has worked for FEMA and was on the ground after...

Michael Moore Goes Hogg Wild In Toronto

David Hogg seems to have come out of hiding or from the abyss.  I can’t tell which is the case.  It may even be true that David Hogg is the undigested regurgitations of Michael Moore. I have not been able to secure a DNA sample from young Mr. Hogg...

The Media Isnt Interested In Telling The Truth

The media is not interested in reporting the news any more.  The media is more interested in trying to create the news.  If a story or news item doesn’t fit their current agenda it is either glossed over or simply looked over. President Trump is not one that openly...

Its Still About The Economy You Stupid Democrats

The economic good times that the United States is currently enjoying is fully credited to President Trump.  The recent “surprising” numbers have Democrats running for the hills. The very fact that they took a stand against Trump’s tax cuts and he massive cuts in regulations and rules is leaving...

Nancy Pelosi Triggered By The Word Constitution

Well if there was ever a moment in time where people on the right could all say “We Told You So” then this would be the time. Many of us have often said that the leftist in this country actually hate the United States and they hate our Constitution....

Leftist Only Know Anger

If you were not paying attention, you may think that the left is reacting to President Trump’s pick of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.  The reality is, the left was ready to protest whomever the President chose. Safe to say that leftists would protest even if the President chose...

Bill and Hill on Delta

This is from the halls of Are You Kidding Me?  It would seem that Bill and Hillary Clinton want people to view them as being just like the rest of us.  Ordinary Americans that need to get from point A to point B. Of course they are in what...

Hillary Clinton She Just Wont Go Away

Hillary Clinton is not a favorite of many people across the land.  We love to hate this woman actually.  And the GOP also seem to love to hate on this woman. But the reality is, almost all of us who hate her want her to go away and stay...

Will He or Wont He? Mitt Waiting in the Wings

Mitt Romney is expected to enter the race for the seat currently held by a retiring Orin Hatch.  This will be Mitts 2nd senate bid in as many states. Mitt unsuccessfully tried to unseat Ted Kennedy as one of the Senators from Massachusetts back in the early 1990’s.  Mitt...

As Long As She Can Hang On

The reality is, for as long as she can actually stay alive.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg is putting her own desires ahead of the nation even though she knows she does not have much longer on this earth. Lets face it, at her age (85) and her visual health, I...