Tag: Cell Phones

The Recckend

The Recckend weekend of the Rod Eccles Show. Trump indictment, China killing the US Dollar and what a Selfie with Jesus Christ might have looked like. More......

The Intelligence Is In, Your Cell Phone Is The Spy

I have mentioned numerous times on the radio about Asian made electronic products being manufactured with back doors for potential spying on individuals. Then we get the head of the FBI telling Congress that the whole of China is basically geared towards spying on America and Americans. And now...

ON THE RADIO: 5G Takeover Is A Bad Connection

I have talked about the government taking over private industry before.  I have said that in every case, the idea is a bad one.  This is no different even though it is Donald Trump who is possibly proposing the idea. The Federal Government taking over our Cell Phone/Wireless communications...

ON THE RADIO: Taking Over The Cell Spectrum

Something very disturbing is coming out of the Trump White House and it has nothing to do with skin color, immigration or even the economy. I have said that when I disagree with anyone, I would let my listeners and readers know and I would tell them why I...