Tag: Rod Eccles Show

The Rod Eccles Show 8 15 18 Hour 2

The Intel Report with Agent 0010. China and Australia in a spy spat and control over South China Sea. Brennon may be the head of the snake behind the never ending Trump investigation. Montenegro just prevented a violent political coup and you wont believe who was behind it. Info...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 15 18 Hour1

Niki Menage calls out others having no talent.  VT nominates a Transgender as Democrat candidate for Governor.  MN nominates Somali refugee as a Democrat for state legislature.  Twitter changes its rules and begins limiting Alex Jones accounts.  Facebook threatens Australian Media. Burlington Free Press: Link and Story has been...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 14 18 Hour 3

Third hour brings Florida has a Blue Ripe Tide forming. Facebook has a leftist purge? Not so fast. Refugees a bulk of them getting food stamps. No surprise how many and how much they are getting. Hot Air: Blue Ebb Time In Florida Breitbart: More Than Half Of Foreign...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 14 18 Hour 2

Caller Kevin continues with his current law enforcement procedure and policy. Truth about Mueller Investigation and how its a hypocritical Swamp witch hunt for those on the right who support Trump only. Daily Caller: Roger Stone The Witch Hunt...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 14 18 Hour 1

Rod explains the changes in the show format. Its an improvement. Cops burning out do to politics not criminals. Roger Stone victim of new witch hunt. Caller: LO backs Rod on his Cops burning out claim.  ...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 13 18 Hour 3

Ocasio-Cortez is batting 1000 but its in the lose column. Pelosi off her rocker again and blames NBC for her current fall from voter grace. Fox News: Democratic Socialist Suffer Another Loss American Mirror: Curse Of Ocasio-Cortez Mediaite: Pelosi Accuses NBC Of Trying To Undermine Her Speaker Comback...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 13 18 Hour 2

Bad weather and bad anti Alt Energy from the left. Press attempts a verbal coup against Trump. People are tired of Fake Everything which is why they love and support Trump. New York Times: Flourishing Business Of Fake Views...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 13 18 Hour 1

Omarosa, Trump and her book and recordings. Press starts its admitted coordinated Trump attack. Paublo Neptulo’s Doubts. Daily Mail: Omarosa Claims She Heard Trump Use “N” Word NBC: Omarosa Claims She Heart Trump “N” Word Use On Tape After Book Release Money: Boston Globe US News Papers 100 plus...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 10 18 Hour 3

A Federal Judge tells the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to basically kidnap a woman and her child or face contempt of court charges.  Richard Gere is being pressed to consider a run for Congress.  Facebook is actually losing billion in page views, billions.  And the Holidays for the day....

The Rod Eccles Show 8 10 18 Hour 1

Rod fully explains why Idris Elba should NOT be the new James Bond, that he is not 007 and frankly Rod is a little pissed about it.  Rod asked the question, what happened to real original Black Heroes like Shaft.  How would Blacks like it if Black Panther was...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 9 10 Hour 3

Protesters in Portland OR try to storm City Hall and injure a guard using a bull horn.  The Rev Rod stops by the studio and says “Trump Aint No Chump”.  YouTube takes off the gloves and begins fighting videos that are what they believe to promote climate denial. State...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 9 18 Hour 2

This hour Rod brings you news about Pedophiles trying become normal in society by calling themselves Pedosexuals.  Twisting poll numbers to manipulate your vote is why Rod doesn’t like or listen to polls.  The First Muslim Woman in Congress is going to be from MI and why she is...