
Rod Eccles To Electrify Parker County Crowd

Host of syndicated radio show Rod Eccles to deliver Keynote Infotainment address

Concord, NH, February 1, 2017– Rod Eccles, host of the nationally syndicated radio talk program The Rod Eccles Show, will bring his unique talent and commentary to Parker County, Texas on February 4, 2017. 

“I don’t deliver boring speeches.  People tell me my addresses are Infotainment and uplifting and motivational.  People have a great time at my events”

The Rod Eccles Show has a national audience of more than 100,000 listeners and growing.  Rod is known as The Coolest, Most Politically Incorrect, Conservative Black Man on the Planet.   Rod promotes his show as “Bringing The Rain” down on liberals and liberalism.  He is well known for his epic rants on the air.

Rod will be speaking at the Parker County Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner.  1400 Texas, Drive, Weatherford, TX 76086.  The event begins at 5pm Central Time.  Hostess is Zan S. Prince, CLU, ChFC.

Rod is available for interviews and appearances prior to and after the program.  Media is invited and encouraged to attend the event.



March Social with Special Guest Speaker Rod Eccles

03/09/2016 @ 6:00 pm

On March 9th political radio show personality, Rod Eccles and host of the nationally-syndicated The Rod Eccles Show will be making a special guest appearance at our March social.

Rod Eccles is the Host of The Nationally Syndicated Radio Show The Rod Eccles Show. He is The Coolest Most Politically Incorrect Conservative Black Man on the Planet and he is being dubbed the new Black Rush Limbaugh of our time. He is considered to be one of the leading voices in the Conservative Movement. This year he published his first book titled The Conservative ECCLESiastes: Logic and Wisdom from the Coolest, Most Politically Incorrect, Conservative Black Man on the Planet. Rod Eccles has been added to the list of Top Talk Conservative Radio Show Hosts. Rod also travels around the country making Key Note Speeches to Tea Party and Republican Organizations to inspire and educate the people of the greatness of America.

SYR socials are an opportunity for like-minded individuals to mix and mingle with fellow Sarasota Young Republicans to discuss the increasing influence that the SYR’s have on our community.

We have a private room reserved for this event. This is FREE for members and $5 for nonmembers.

Please contact Lori Hagey – SYR Vice President with any questions. 954.593.9615



Rod Eccles Featured at Monthly Republican Meeting

August 1, 2016 Concord NH

“The coolest, most politically incorrect, conservative black man on the planet.”

Press release

The Merrimack County Republican Committee’s monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, 6 PM, at The Draft Sports Bar and Grill, 67 South Main Street, Concord.

Rod Eccles, host of The Rod Eccles Radio Program, headlines as “the coolest, most politically incorrect, conservative, black man on the planet.” He is also a strong Constitutional conservative. “With our country becoming more and more politically incorrect and people being constantly offended, Mr. Eccles brings a breath of fresh air to the conversation,” said Kathy Lauer-Rago, chairman of the committee.

Merrimack County GOP meetings are open to all Republicans and like-minded Independents.

For more information, visit the Web site at, or send an e-mail to [email protected]


Rod Eccles on the Tami Jackson Show – 3/24

My first guest tonight may be new to many — talk show host from New Hampshire, Rod Eccles.

RodEcclesRod, a conservative and entrepreneur, is the son of a 21 year veteran of the United States Air Force who saw active duty in Vietnam and Thailand.

Rod is a strong constitutional conservative, politically incorrect, and believes in God, family, country.

Eccles started a successful landscaping business while living in NY State. That experience helped him launch a successful Dry Cleaning Service called Cleaner Solutions which was a door to door dry cleaning service.

Now Rod owns three businesses titled Zinc Media, Zinc Marketing, and Zinc Agency.

Rod also reaches out to businesses in the community in order to help soldiers find gainful employment upon returning home from there tour of duty.

Rod Eccles show can be heard Monday - Thursday, 8-10 PM EST, on Blog Talk Radio.


Conservative radio host visits Hilton Head, urges Republicans to coalesce around nominee

January 2016

The Island Packet, Hilton Head NC

Conservative radio host Rod Eccles is still unsure which Republican candidate will go on to be the party’s nominee, although he has a few guesses.

But come November, even if that nominee isn’t one of his first choices, Eccles will be at the polls pledging his support to the Republican Party, a road he hopes more conservatives will take instead of staying home on Election Day.

Eccles, a Republican online radio host from New Hampshire who bills himself as “the coolest, most politically incorrect conservative black man on the planet,” urged fellow Republicans at the Hilton Head Island First Monday Republican Lunch Group to vote in November even if they may not support the nominee.

Questions from the attendees at Monday’s meeting about leading Republican candidate Donald Trump prompted the plea for Republicans to get out and vote. Asked if he felt Trump’s nomination would cause Republican voters to stay away from the polls, Eccles said the party couldn’t let that fear determine the nominee.





July 16, 2015

Beaver County Young Republicans, Rochester PA

The Beaver County Young Republicans are proud to welcome Rod Eccles for Pizza, Wine, and Cigars! Come Join us on July 16th at 7 PM! Entry will be $15 a person and online registration will be open soon.

Rod Eccles of The Rod Eccles Show is coming to Greenville, NC

Clarion, Beaufort County, NC.

September 24, 2015

Beaufort County Now and Beaufort County Republicans Welcome Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host Rod Eccles to be key note speaker at annual event.


Rod Eccles, Featured Speaker at

The Worcester Massachusetts Tea Party Thursday, November 19, 2015

Worcester, MA, October 22, 2015– The Worcester MA Tea Party Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Canal Restaurant 65 Water St, Worcester, MA.

Rod Eccles, host of The Rod Eccles Show radio program headlines as “The Coolest, Most Politically Incorrect, Conservative Black Man on the Planet”.  He is a strong Constitutional Conservative.  And speaks in a dynamic, truthful and factual manor.  Rod is known for being historical accurate and logical and always has listeners sitting on the edge of their seats.

“We are excited to have Mr. Eccles at our November 19th meeting.  Our topic will be the importance of the New Hampshire Primary”  Matt O’Brien

Worcester MA Tea Party meetings open to ALL Republicans and like-minded Independents.