Tag: Spy

Your TV Is Spying On You Warns FBI

technology has improved so much that you can even hide these spy devices behind things such as your TV screen. The worst part is that many manufacturers are not even telling you that your new device has the ability to see and/or hear you. Remember the outrage...

The Rod Eccles Show 8 22 18 Hour 2

Hour 2 brings you The Intel Report with Agent 0010. Iranian spies caught and arrested in the USA. One has duel citizenship. French pulls out of huge gas deal with Iran honoring President Trumps economic sanctions on Iran. Italy refuses to take more Libya migrants and the Dumb Ass...

There Be A Spy In Your Pocket

Following up on the heals of what I said on the radio earlier this week, it looks like there is a spy in your pocket.  And if you are a citizen or even ex-patriot of Iran you should beware. But then if Iran can do this or has this...

The Intelligence Is In, Your Cell Phone Is The Spy

I have mentioned numerous times on the radio about Asian made electronic products being manufactured with back doors for potential spying on individuals. Then we get the head of the FBI telling Congress that the whole of China is basically geared towards spying on America and Americans. And now...

ON THE RADIO: Bannon Group Shopped Anti Trump Doc In 2015

Yes, you read the title of this post correctly.  Mr. Bannon and his group tried to derail Donald J Trump before he even got started, back in 2015.  Many believe Trump did not know this at the time and that is how Bannon got into the Trump Administration. Point...