Tag: AOC

The Recckend

The Weekend version of The Rod Eccles Show. Whats important and interesting on the days we are off enjoying life. The Recckend is your weekend home....

The Rod Eccles Show 1 17 22

Today Rod discusses a number of topics including, AOC and her hypocritical stance on Covid-19, Florida and her home state of NY. And Rod dishes on other COVID topics. And what will taking a cruise look like? Rod has an answer and why its really, really...

The Rod Eccles Show 1 3 22 Hour 3

Hour 3 Rod talks about BACON. Yes some bacon that he just adores now plus AOC and how you must pronounce her name and what she is doing in Florida. And Rod answers back to AOC's claim that all Conservative men want to date her. On...

The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 13 20

Rod actually comes to the defense of AOC. Yes, he actually comes to her aid against radicals that want to label the simple action of getting a puppy as wrong. Well, at least, according to PETA, AOC didn't do it right. ...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez GND Hates Cauliflower

Now I have reported on many inane things that AOC has said and/or done but this has got to take the cake. The woman has clouds for brains. There is no way you can take this woman seriously at all, yet she is an elected official with...