Tag: Bill Clinton

The Rod Eccles Show Podcast 1 13 20

Rod actually comes to the defense of AOC. Yes, he actually comes to her aid against radicals that want to label the simple action of getting a puppy as wrong. Well, at least, according to PETA, AOC didn't do it right. ...

The Rod Eccles Show 7 16 18 Hour 2

Hour 2 Hour 2 and Rod explain why and how President Donald Trump is a political disrupter and Alexandria Cortez is a Democrat Party disrupter but she is an air head.  Anthony Bourdine did an interview before his suicide and it has been published finally and he does not...

Bill and Hill on Delta

This is from the halls of Are You Kidding Me?  It would seem that Bill and Hillary Clinton want people to view them as being just like the rest of us.  Ordinary Americans that need to get from point A to point B. Of course they are in what...

Hillary Clinton She Just Wont Go Away

Hillary Clinton is not a favorite of many people across the land.  We love to hate this woman actually.  And the GOP also seem to love to hate on this woman. But the reality is, almost all of us who hate her want her to go away and stay...